Friday, July 31, 2009


yeah....终于把两个assignment给赶完了, 真的好开心噢因为终于可以轻松一下, 哈哈! 不管结果是好或坏, 对我来讲这是次要, 最感动的是Robin, 毓怡还有我, 大家在一起努力把它完成. 我们一起讨论,我们有很多沟通才能把最好的显出来,对我来讲这两个assignment已是很满意了, 最重要的是我们有沟通. 还有谢谢毓怡提供舒适的环境给我们一起讨论哦....哈哈!!! Robin,你已经踏出成功的一半了,可以算是已超过了,因为你的尽心所以这assignment才会完成. 所以不要认为自己不行, 你的信心, 拜托....你是可以应付所以难题的,继续加油,真的你是可以的,没有他你一样行。ermm, 还有就差点忘了,就是一位好心人,称为符大佬愿意伸出援手帮我们,要谢谢他。 他现在病倒了,希望他可以快点好起来咯就变回原本的他因为他现在没有力气整人又不能踩人,哈哈...难得他有静的一面耶!!!
接下来就是还有一个assignment要做然后就final了, 我的妈呀......可以让我停顿一下吗??? 现在的生活讲求的是速度,什么都要快....efficient要不然就会落后了,追不上了,这样的生活真的很累但没办法也只好看自己怎样去面对它。

Monday, July 27, 2009

I want a nice sleep

Lack of sleep made me felt no mood, my brain also cant operate.....very blur...dun have spirit to do my work. There is no time for me to get a well sleep.....when i can get a nice sleep??? oh god, i reli been crazy liao.....almost everyday i hard to fall in sleep, there is many problem appear in my mind....wat the problem??? I don't know....i felt uncomfortable when cant get sleep. Sumtime im thinking that izzit im crazy ad...neuropathy!!! haiz.....reli...when we are getting old ad sure will have many thing that we nid to anyelse??? College reli bek tahan ad....sumone can bring me far away from here to let me get a breath...x_x!!!! Finals is worrying....i must get all least pass, i dunwan get fei lou(fail)....god bless me....please!!!
What i wan now is .....i wan a nice sleep...but i think tis week will be hell for me....2 assignment nid to pass up....2 exams and 2moro presentation....omg.....F!!! Take me away..........

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A big changing

Today is my frend's birthday.....Happy birthday to him oh....juz now went to dinner with him and her sister at Station 1, Sri Rampai. The food is just so so oni....not reli nice lah for me. Woo....tired cuz yesterday sms wif frend til so late juz sleep plus vry hot made me cant slept. Have alot fun when sms with him made me laugh like "siao lang"!!!! What we talk about??? We talk bout human.....haha....we talked about ourself. Have u ever think back about yourself from the time when u came to this world from a baby that do not know anything and juz noe CRY oni....haha! And today you are growth up ad and be more mature, gain alot of knowledge compare to the past u do not know anything and u learnt from u feel proud of yourself??? Along the way we had experience, got happy, sad and sometime we are in the we get up from the bottom and friend who stay behind us to give support.....that is very touch. For me, that is like a magic when im thinking bek my history.....19 years i have been in this fast....deh 20, 30,40 deh til do i look like??? Ugly??? or still remain young....lolz!!! We have to appreciate everyday....reli....we do not know wat will happen to us on tomorrow, we cant predict it.....appreciate ppl around you and what you want to do now just go ahead, dun let the thing gone ad just feel appreciate.

Today i have to sleep early abit cuz 2moro class at 8am and i will be manager 2moro....hope i can handle well.

Friday, July 24, 2009


My it will be??? Whatever it will be, im here to challege it cuz i noe it may be just a part of life, we must face it and have to resolve it.
yes, recently im facing the problem about where i gonna go to training in future that will be next year. As you noe, ENGLISH is very important in hotel-line, we need to speak proper english when working at hotel yet my speaking is reli bad, how i gonna to communicate with guest by using english. Crazy man.....i have to learn from now, that is about half year for me to improve my speaking....oh god...i have to try my best to speaking. Hope it can be better at least can make people know what im speak !!!! And just now my frend had asked lecturer about the allowance that working at Rasa Sayang Hotel at Penang....oh god...that is no allowance for trainee, it just provide at least one meal on our working time. We have to work for hotel without allowance or any else gain from hotel. How we gonna survive?????? Without any pay back, we are just student, no Die...-_-ll So just try my best by dun spend many money and dun buy any useless thing, and canot go shopping....argggggg>.<.....
Well.....what i gonna to do now is improve my speaking tat is important...start from frends....try to speak english when talking with them.....hahaa!!!! And save more money.......

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1)大名: 洪玉钦

2)生日: 07-08-90

3)谁传给你的: Cai Jing

4)生日想拿到什么礼物: 有心意就好


6)想做的事: 去旅行

7)有没有喜欢的人: ermm...没有吧....哈哈

8)跟谁出去最幸福+快乐: 朋友与家人

9)如果你的好朋友吵架了,你会怎么做: 劝他们, 冷静.....

10)最想和别人去那里: 那里都可以

11)圣诞节想做什么: 去一个很浪漫的地方

12)最想跟谁庆祝圣诞节: 当然跟爱人一起咯,不过目前单身所以就朋友家人

13)最近在做什么: 赶工课

14)有几个兄弟姐妹: 哥和2个妹妹

15)最喜欢的一首英文/华文歌: 很多喜欢的

16)喜欢什么颜色: 紫

17)上厕所会不会冲水: 会,除非没有水

18)喜欢男还是女生: 男生

19)最想大大声说什么: 我是行的

20)半夜敢不敢上厕所: 敢

21)你现在最恨谁: 没有,恨一个人很累耶.....

22)现在喜欢做什么: 什么都喜欢做.....哈哈

23)睡相好不好看: 不懂

24)现在的时间: 9.32pm

25)是否厌恨传给你这卷子的人: 没有

26)体重多少: 50kg

27)今天天气: 还好而已

28)如果忙完了你最想做什么: 睡觉

29)失眠后会怎样: 很烦

30)你晚上睡觉会不会尿床: 当然不会...都几岁了!!!

31)你晚上睡觉会不会流口水: 很少

32)你有没有吃过夜宵: 没有这习惯

33)近期开心的事: 去shangri-la hotel做工吧.....是一个不错的经验!!!!

34)自由对你来说重要吗: 非常重要

35)你觉得在朋友当中谁最性感: 都性感啦,哈哈

36)你觉得你比较笨还是聪明: 聪明(对自己要有信心)

37)你比较喜欢爸爸还是妈妈: 妈妈

38)你现在最想看到谁: 财神爷.......哈哈

39)你爱看戏吗: 爱啊

40)你敢向你讨厌的人说"我恨你"吗: 拜托,这也太无聊了 ,浪费我的口水。


你打算几时结婚啊: 找到对的就会想婚

你喜欢你的生活吗: 还好

相信塔罗牌吗: 不会太相信

睡觉前所做的事情: 听歌然后想回一整天做过的事情

你的偶像: 企业家,女强人

你喜欢的季节: 冬天

最想去的地方: Paris

最讨厌怎样的性格的人: 很假的人,就好像双面人

你会抽烟吗: 不会

你会喝酒吗: 不会很厉害

你常哭吗: 蛮常的

你常笑吗: 只要有人的地方都会笑脸迎人

想睡到几点: 自然起~

朋友和情人你会选谁: 朋友

机会和命运你会选谁: 机会

你很自恋吗: 要问我的朋友

你有穿耳洞吗: 有

问卷多不多: 蛮多一下.....

喜欢吃冰吗: 喜欢..

现在幸福吗: 幸福,人要懂得感恩

最在乎谁: 家人

房间里最重要的东西是什么: 床咯

没有朋友你会怎么做: 我会去找朋友咯因为朋友很重要

如果天使给你实现一个愿望,你想要什么: 我身边的家人和朋友都幸福快乐还有健康

这个问题废吗: 不会啦

喜欢那个水果: 西瓜


喜欢下雪吗: 喜欢


希望再被tag吗: 好丫~

你喜欢等人吗: 只要不要太迟就好

1 。被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷

2 。请老实回答每一问题

3 。不能擅自涂改题目

4 。写完请点 10 位小朋友,不可以不点

5 。完后请通知那 10 位小朋友被点到的小朋友

Monday, July 20, 2009


昨天去了Shangri-La Hotel工作, 那里举行了大型舞蹈比赛, 舞蹈表演很精彩还有很多超性感的美女........... 很庆幸的昨天做工没出状况, 要谢天^^. 但是我很对不起一个陌生宾客因为昨天有一位小姐叫我要白开水可是我既然忘记她坐在那一桌所以就忘记了她. 我真得很够力, 我要加倍努力改变这错误不可以再犯同样的错误.
首先当我们到那里准备好一确后, 我们就有一堂简单的会议(briefing), 当中有几个高层在那里其中一个女高层, 我觉得她很cool, 她说: I pay Rm500 for bus to sent u here and bek, blablaaaaa.....if you dunnoe how to work, u can leave now. 不过她其实很好, 她教了我们不少东西, 总之昨天就上了一堂宝贵的课!!! 我又是和在Nicole Hotel一样 served beverage给来宾, 不过这次简单多了因为只需要倒茶. 虽然只是倒茶却有够累的, 那茶壶又热又重而且很忙一直要倒茶. 我觉得当自己在为人服务时, 有些宾客们都会很有礼貌的加上一个亲切的笑容向我道谢,我觉得很有满足感...真的!!! 我觉得做这个waitress part-time job可以让我认识到不同的人事物, 是一个很好经验还有就是有不错的酬劳哦......哈哈哈!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


2day wake up in the morning bout 9.40am.....overslept already so din attend morning class....skip class again!!! After make up myself, then straight went to bus stop met wif my frend go to shopping....hehe!!!!! Both of us had shop about 4 hours at Times square and Sungei Wang, my frend bought many thing oh....wootz.....i juz bought a pair of shoes, shirt and short pant....tats all...haha!!! And i wan to thanks her cuz i make her be vry tired......i havent found my shoes when in Sungei Wang deh v bek to Times Square again juz cuz of my shoes......tired....thanks Meilee!!!!
I think it is time for me to keep fit liao cuz im getting fat ad.....omg....i nid to control from eating less. Recently, I become big alot maybe cuz of stress. From now on....i muz to reduce my FAT....i need to work hard to keep fit....yes......Gambateh!!!!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


在这世上有很多种类的人,但却分为两种就黑和白, 白的当然是属善良型的黑则是邪恶型!!!
生活里难免少不了会有闲言闲语怀绕在我们身边.......站得正,坐得正,不用怕被人讲!!! 有时真的很受不了太多闲言闲语,.......当我们要批评他们时, 我们是不是要站在他们立场想一想呢....我们是否也要想下自己????

之前我妹妹问我,朋友在我们生活里扮演什么角色??? 她告诉我她所面对的问题....在她眼里朋友只是个互相利用的关系而已, 真的很现实因为现代人都很怕输!!! 我也不知道怎样跟她解释因为每个人对朋友的定义都不一样就好像我所说的这世上真的有很多种人. 有时真的不知道他们有什么用意. 我把我的想法告诉她, 就给她positif的观念, 到最后结果是朋友只是我们生命中的一个过客. 也许她还在中学时期, 想法还没来得成熟还不明白人生哲学, 我也还在学习当中!!!! 朋友, 当你跌进谷底时, 他们伸出手拍拍你的肩旁给你鼓励那真的是很感动!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


今天在走着回家时, 天上突然下起暴风雨, 我加快脚步走着回家但可怜的我还是被淋湿了, 真的很大风, 我的雨伞也抵挡不住它. 还好不至于变成落汤鸡....哈哈!!!
在暴风雨中独自一人走着回家, 我觉得很孤单, 如果身边有个人那有多好啊, 但只有我一人. 前面的路有多难走, 不管风吹雨打, 我也要一个人努力和坚持的走到终点........................

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You can do it

告诉自己不许哭, 但眼泪还是不经意的流下了, 真的很不争气. 也许我把那累积的压力通过眼泪释放出来, 我会觉得很轻松.....哭过, 把眼泪察干, 对着镜子然后告诉自己...你是可以的, 你是行的^^!!!!
最近都没睡好, 即使我很累但脑海还是清醒的, 还在运作, 严重....我很讨厌, 我试着让自己不要想太多但脑海还是浮现让我压力的事情.....惨!!!!! 听着张敬轩的歌...My Way, 让我有回信心, 活着的意义, 我向往的东西.....................YOU can do it......

Monday, July 6, 2009

read the lyric.....

Tis is Hokkien song, quite old ad but vry nice song...vry touch song...
a great woman stay behind a man, always be there for her's lover....So MAN muz appreciate ur lover,dun make them sad,dun make them appreciate...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

haiz....everyone getting stress of assignment, including me aso getting more stress ad. The deadline is come nearer. There are many assignment nid to do....gosh.....i had finish my English assignment ad but others assig still stuff at there cuz buzy of doing english assig. And next week got 2 test to go which are HR and Housekeeping....die hard...-_-lll Today i plan to study HR, but study notin...when i look at the notes, i felt sleeping, what happen to me...reli, i dunnoe what had lecturer teach about when i was in her mind dunnoe go where ad!!! And now continue doin my restaurant assigment, i dunnoe wat to write, i have done half ad but whether rite or not...reli stress of doin assignment when i was done it but if they are not satisfy, sad...haizzz!!! But nevermind, cuz this will help to improve the quality of work, v muz listen comments from others.
Today, i had seen my friend's blog, she has write something in her blog, "i never look far because it always ended up with something which I don't wish to". just like me aso...i never look far, or maybe i scared to think far, that is very hurt if my hope ended up with something which i don't wish to..............
Well, juz hope all the thing can goes smooth. Tomorrow, exciting, i will be in kitchen, hehe........i reli enjoy working in the kitchen.............wheeeee^^

Saturday, July 4, 2009


回首过去, 我真的错过很多机会, 到底怎么了??? 我只是想找出原因, 我想我应该把握机会了, 但是我又在想如果是对了, 不管风吹雨打, 还是打倒不了的.................

好的红酒需要长时间的耘酿才会使它的味道更美味, 更香醇!!!



































Wednesday, July 1, 2009


今天是七月份的第一天了,也就是说半年已经过了,很快,快的吓人。 想一想我在上半年做了什么呢??? 我也不知道,哈哈哈!!! 还剩半年时间了,我真的不知要什么,再过不久又要十九了,哦我的妈呀........

我在寻找生命中另一个起点,寻找一个可以让我发挥的小小空间,寻找人生中的第一桶金,寻找属于我的一片天空, 寻找生命中的他与他分享我的点点滴滴,还有寻找..................................''

珍惜每一天, 我的朋友们让我们一起加油吧......加油加油!!!!!!!!!!

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